Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mini LV Handbag

 This was a cake ordered for one of our regular customers :)

Mini cake at only 6" and this was an edible print image design

Petals and Pearls

 A wedding cake with quilted side and studded peals

 Handmade edible lilies

 These are real ribbons though

My Melody

One of my favorite characters :)

My Melody on 6" cake

Choo choo train

 A simple 2 tier cake with a non cartoon character train

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Roket Cake

 Jan Tzen requested a rocket for his birthday and mummy got him one!
 This rocket was 6 inches in diameter and about 10 inches tall

Rocket landed on a grass land

Monday, June 4, 2012


 Mashimaro on a small 6" cake

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Circus cake

 This was a cake made some time last year... or was it early this year. Only realized tht the pictures were not posted, and since this has the same Madagascar cake feel, might as well the pictures be posted here.