Tuesday, August 18, 2009

GI Joe at Gym

Nick has already chosen the the theme of the cake for August as "GI JOE". At first I thought it was for Body Combat class... Well, looking at the picture above, I'm sure you can guess - It's for RPM. Or is it for August birthday babies? Sounds like the baker might have gotten confused with the themes right? :p

Anyways... RPM bikes, bicycles... I'm not very familiar actually and I could already feel the difficulties by just imagining it. Told Pat about the theme and while she was requesting for her own set of RPM accessories, she also sent me a picture of a bike (your bike ya?). After looking at her picture, and after some "planning" I found that it was quite impossible to construct the wheels. I needed something more solid but wasn't sure if there is such thing... so after googling, I found something relatively easier and have reconfirmed with Pat that it's something quite common - the solid wheels.

Here's the bike, by the cake. As I told Pat, "cheated" on this because quite many parts of the bikes are actually stuck on the cake and this bike cannot do stand alone. And I didn't manage to make detals of the sadle, besides, I had to go thicker/ bigger on certain parts so that it will stay intact.

As for the GI Joe theme... I've decided to send TTB for the job. Since I've not watch GI Joe the movie, neither have I read the comics, I haven't got a clue on the characters. My brother in law has originally suggested that I make ninjas... Later I've spoken to my colleague who'd provided me a lot of information (thanks Ching!), and so here's the main character General Hawk. (I hope I've gotten this right). As for the combat pants, it's from one of the pictures I've googled, not that great, Swee said it doesn't look like a combat pants but an artist pants or something like that. My graphics designer also didn't know what "happened" to the pants... okay. I'm taking a painting class next. Haha...

Here's the "delicious-choco-birthday cake" as Nick has put it.

And here's the comments from my "bike consultant" (thanks Pat) - Veeerrrryyyyy cute :)....... want a BIGGER bicycle!!!! Your saddle and pedal very cute and FAT! I know its not easy to do those .....well done well done....I want!!!!!!!!!! can i get one for merdeka??? I am doing an endurance class with CK on Monday @ 31st...

Okay, you know what? I'm not sure if big bike is possible... We shall confirm again.


  1. http://media.photobucket.com/image/carbon%20bike%20wheels/cliffleesc/IMG_0066.jpg

    TTB,great effort...love the bike. I want! I want! I want! I want a bigger bike....to ride and eat on!!! The saddle is very comfortable eh? I attach a pix of a bike wheel frame (check it out)....

    U r a terror!!! Masterprice!!!

  2. TD, thanks for the tips! Bigger bike hmmm... structure might not be sturdy enough, these is sugar art after all, and I'm not the master :p

    What about this type of front wheel? because the one from your link, the front wheel is not possible - for now. http://media.photobucket.com/image/carbon%20bike%20wheels/Carbon007/Lucheromain.jpg?o=4
