Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Charity Fair

Here are some of the cupcakes we've prepared for the charity fair in Bangsar last Saturday. I think there are some better quality pictures in bro in law's camera but I haven't got time to get it from him since I've been working long hours (for the full time job) and I had another project right after the charity fair.

This is the carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, the decoration for the carrot cupcakes are all carrots. Haha... doing the easy way since there was not enough time, and sleep.

The chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate cream. Also made some with the ladybird design. Got quite a few new fans for the ladybird the other night.

Here's the stall and my very first TeaRoom poster designed by Sim. Too bad she was not free to drop by. CS was there, on "duty" and also bought some cupcakes to support the charity... Oh, Pam was there!! Thanks for being there. Penny also bought a few carrot cupcakes to support. Other details and pictures will be loaded on Facebook. :)


  1. hey!!! They looked great! Sorry that I didnt manage to drop by for support... Excellence work, my dear! :))

  2. thanks dear! wish you were there. :)

  3. love the poster.... it reflects TeaRoom's concept & feel...
