Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chicken meat floss Swiss roll

A mix match of savoury chicken meat floss and sweet sponge cake. A fantastic result to almost all of my tasters so far.

Mum saw this sweet-savoury in the papers a few weeks ago and she has been hoping that I make this soon. She bought some chicken meat floss yesterday and so happened I am free this weekend without any orders to rush. So baking this has been one of my weekend de-stress therapies (I also baked a goey butter cake today).

The Swiss roll was baked with a coating of meat floss and toasted sesame. When it's baked, it's been rolled in with a layer of mayonnaise and more meat floss.

One of our aunties and a few of our cousins came to visit last night and this was just on time to be served. My other uncle took some back home for the kids and sis and bro in law had some for supper, one piece left for mum as of last night and they were all gone today. :)
Next round, let me try flavouring the mayonnaise to make this even more special.


  1. Looks absolutely delicious! Nice.. one of my fave pastry dessert!

  2. it's really good!!!! i ate 3 pieces!!!

  3. Only this morning while I was washing my face that I remembered I left out one very important ingredient for the sponge cake. Definitely need another round of making this.

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