Thursday, January 7, 2010

Birthday Valentine

Nope, it's not Valentine's Day delivery though it can be, that's why I've also labelled this Valentine's Day.. It's Valentine TTB for a birthday cake. Aunt Elvy said she doesn't know what else she wanted TTB to do.

This was for a birthday celebration in her office.

TTB on a Hokey Pokey cake - coffee walnut cake with coffee butter icing.

Something concerns me - Aunt told me that the head of TTB actually fell off when she had the cake. Hmm... so eerie I know to find a headless TTB. But this was the second time for her. Anyone of you experienced this problem with TTB? Please let me know, so far I only know that this happened to Aunt's TTB only. Strange. I lifted TTB by it's head after I made it and it didn't fall off, how come it couldn't survive the... erm... what? Car journey? WHAT caused TTB to be beheaded??? :( :(

Aunt said put a toothpick to hold the head, but I'd preferred not to because it's dangerous if I forgot to remind and someone were to bite on it. Furthermore, it would be great if the whole bear can just stick together without internal structure. BUT for Aunt Elvy's TTB in the future, all will go with an additional stick to hold the head. Hmmmphhh...

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